Our enthusiastic and passionate team nurture and care for the grapes throughout the year. With special care taken to ensure the grapes are not damaged from the winter weather or excessive spikes of heat in the summer.
Once the wine is stabilised the dedicated team will filter, bottle, label and pack the wine ready for consumption and sale.
Come and explore
Wine tours with a difference....
We are immensely proud to offer adventure vineyard tours (with a twist!) where guests can start the tour with a talk on the history of wine making in England, followed by a guided tour around the farm in our bespoke tractor/trailer and then finish with a gondola ride down to the vineyard for wine tasting and nibbles and/or a picnic. Visit our adventure tours page for up and coming tour dates available
As the family own Unique Occasions at Loversall Limited, the bespoke and award-winning barn wedding venue, couples are also able to book a vineyard tour as part of their wedding weekend the day before or day after their special occasion. Contact for more information.